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Join A Greater Legacy

As Christians, we know our actions have eternal value. In a ministry, no one person can do it all. We all labor together, each in our own way. We invite you to join a greater legacy of servants and disciples who are carrying out the Great Commission to "go and make disciples" through online access to spirit-filled preaching. 
Below you will find many different ways you can partner with us in our mission to advance the Kingdom of God. By partnering with our efforts, you gain the opportunity to become a part of an eternal legacy through a ministry that reaches people all around the world.

Spread The Word

Help us spread the word about the great preachers on the site. Share sermons, email friends, and tell anyone you can think of who could benefit from this site.


Join Our Community

Join the Facebook group and be the first to hear about the latest sermon uploads and new preachers added to the site, request sermons, ask questions, and fellowship online.


Give Feedback

If you are blessed by a preacher, a sermon, or the site, please let us know! We will post your comments with the prayer they may be an encouragement to someone else.

Send Us Sermons

We are interested in the known and unknown. Every preacher must be either 70 years of age or deceased and we must be able to get permission to use the sermon. We will not post pirated sermons.

Our Wishlist

Carl Alcorn, George Brazell, or A N Trotter


If you have sermons by any of these folks, please contact us!


We are also happy to post your own wishlist on our facebook page.

- Classic Pentecostal Sermons -


1. Help us archive sermons

2. Help categorize sermons

3. Provide updated information on preachers

Reach out to us on our contact page if you are interested in volunteering your time to help our ministry grow and improve.


Ask God to use the archive to touch the lives of thousands.

Not only are we asking God to make the messages and encouragement, but we are praying for lost souls to be saved and for believers to be healed, delivered, and baptized in the Holy Ghost.

- Donations -

Help Us Keep The Site Free

We are committed to maintaining and offering this site as a free resource, always. That being said, running a website comes with it’s own set of expenses. We would not be able to stay online without your generosity.

If you have been blessed by Pentecostal Gold, please pray about making a contribution toward our monthly expenses, which include web hosting and online marketing efforts to spread the word to as many people as possible.

Bless Our Ministry


Help us solve some mysteries!

We have a few sermons in our collection that we cannot make available until we know who they belong to. help us identify who the preachers are so we can get permission to use them!


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Bless The Ministry


Pentecostal Gold, through River of Revival Ministries, does not endorse every person posted on the site; neither do we endorse every doctrine and discipline advocated by every preacher.

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