Kermit Reneau
Kermit Reneau was called into the ministry at 14 years of age and ordained in 1939.
Although raised in the Baptist Church, he dedicated his life to the ministries of the Assembly of God, serving as pastor at numerous churches from 1939-81, most notably, the First Assembly of God in San Antonio from 1948-53, and again from 1961-69.
He was elected as the youngest superintendent of the South Texas District of Assembly of God churches at 37 years of age; later serving as assistant general superintendent in Springfield, Mo. from 1969-71, and returned to the South Texas District as superintendent from 1971-81, retiring in 1981.
After retiring from the ministry, Kermit devoted his life to community service in the North Channel area. He was a member of North Shore Rotary, North Channel Chamber of Commerce, and Wendel D. Ley YMCA where he served on the board, chairman of the board for North Channel Chamber in 1988, supporting numerous community fundraising activities.
He was one of the original directors of Woodforest National Bank where he was recognized as the oldest living bank director in the state of Texas. He also served on other boards, such as Lyondell Bassell, Christian Fidelity Insurance and Hospice Care Team, to name a few. He had a passion for building churches, helping finance over 2,000 churches in his lifetime.
He was also an active philanthropist in the North Channel area, investing in businesses and organizations, watching them grow and succeed. Among them was the North Channel Coalition, a shelter for abused women and children.
Brother Reneau passed away March 28, 2008. He was 91 years of age.