Loren Triplett
Loren Triplett was a pastor in Nebraska when he felt the call of God to missions. He and his wife were appointed and arrived in Nicaragua in 1954. For the next 12 years they evangelized, planted churches, directed the Bible school, and wrote and published Spanish literature.
In 1966 Loren was appointed director of Editorial Vida (later renamed Life Publishers), the Spanish literature department for World Missions in the Assemblies of God. Seven years later he was asked to serve as regional director for Latin America and the Caribbean, a post he held for 16 years.
At the 1989 General Council in, Loren was elected executive director of Assemblies of God World Missions. During his eight-year tenure, the number of Assemblies of God members and adherents overseas grew from 16 million to 25 million. The number of Bible schools increased 43 percent and national ministers increased 48 percent.
Brother Triplett went to be with his Lord on Christmas Day, 2016. He had been retired in Springfield, MO for several years.