Lowell Lundstrom
Lowell Lundstrom was both saved and called into the ministry in 1957. He and his family, conducted nondenominational evangelistic crusades across the United States. In more than fifty-five years of ministry he reached as many as one million souls for Christ.
Lunstrom served as president and chancellor of Trinity Bible College in Ellendale, ND for 10 years.
Lowell's music career started at the age of 14 when he started a rock and roll band. After his conversion, music became a large part of his ministry, traveling with his brothers and their families. The team produced a weekly radio program, television shows and 60 albums. He was inducted into the Minnesota Music Hall of Fame in 2005. He also wrote more than 600 gospel songs and fifteen books.
In 1996, Lundstrom and other members of his family founded Celebration Church in Minneapolis.
Lowell died from Parkinson's disease on July 20, 2012.